Book Clubs: Yes or No?

Despite my recent attempts to reach out to the book community, I’ve never belonged to a book club.

And I never want to.

I enjoy talking about books with some of my friends, but I don’t really have the urge to walk into a room full of people who have just spent the last week reading the same book I’ve read, at the same pace, with the same novel notes, and then sit down and discuss our same insights and opinions.

It’s just like I used to love talking about literary “things” with my English-major buddies, but I would have swallowed my entire hand before I willing raised it to answer a question in English class.

Well, that’s perhaps a little bit of an exaggeration, but what I said about book clubs is not. The same thing goes for a writing club. I almost threw up every time I had to exchange piece of writing in my CW class, and that was just one semester. I definitely couldn’t do that for fun.

What I want to know is, if you belong to a book club or a writing club or whatever, why? What do really look forward to?

I want you to change my mind. Go ahead. 🙂

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